Do you know any event concerning a possible violation of the Company's Model 231/Code of Ethics and/or Anti-money laundering legislation and you wish to report it, click on "REPORT" and follow the instructions.
The Group ensures the confidentiality of the whistleblower identity and protects him/her against any potential retaliation and/or discriminatory behavior that may occur due to the report.
Read the policy for managing reports

Do you know any event concerning a possible violation of the Company's Model 231/Code of Ethics and/or Anti-money laundering legislation and you wish to report it, click on "REPORT" and follow the instructions.
The Group ensures the confidentiality of the whistleblower identity and protects him/her against any potential retaliation and/or discriminatory behavior that may occur due to the report.
Read the policy for managing reports

Do you know any event concerning a possible violation of the Company's Model 231/Code of Ethics and/or Anti-money laundering legislation and you wish to report it, click on "REPORT" and follow the instructions.
The Group ensures the confidentiality of the whistleblower identity and protects him/her against any potential retaliation and/or discriminatory behavior that may occur due to the report.
Read the whistleblowing policy